
Check it out!

WL show me this website the other day and the first thing I open was like wow! They make the cakes till so nice! Remember to check it out:


Exams round the corner

Exams is tommorrow, first up its SM , the toughest subject in the semester. Me not prepared and nervous. But lets relax for awhile. First up, those who like durian and mango could try this durian-manago combo at bedok. Its unique but if the owner used mango cubes more then its super!
After being in pain from tue night, I finally went to see a doctor on saturaday at 3pm. Leg wrap up now.
SM notes, but hardly can memorize all things.

Busy week

Been busy this week in trying to get SM notes done. Have dinner just now and cut the oranges in a new form haha, instead of cutting it all, the orange is cut to the edge only leaving it as a whole so it be easier to cut the whole orange into parts.
Feeling hungry in the morning while you in school and sick of mega bites snacks but no roomie for heavy ones? why not try the porrigde in the canteen, went with jo to have it before HRM on monday. I been in school for 3 semesters and this is the first time i eating the porridge, slow right haha.


Channel 8 is showing Auckland now... watching it to learn more about the place.... haha

More information here

2nd Generation Puddings part 2

Its been ages since I last blog about the 2nd gerneration puddings of lao 4 and lao 5, so I figure that I should give a blog post about them today haha.

Tada! Introducing the newest member into the family! The son of lao 5, got him from Jo on the 26 Sep, he was born on the 28 Aug 2009 with 5 other sliblings and their father is lao 5 (pearl pudding) and princess (Sapphire). Well he does bite cos he's not that tame, now he in a cage of his own. Eatting and running on wheel as per normal.

A more recent picture of him, his lower part fur started to turn greyish (its part of the process).

Well, here his cousins! 6 of them with xiao new. Her six little honey hams giving her hard times sometimes as she need to feed them lying back on the bedding to let her six have milk to drink. Xiao new and lao 4 slimed down while looking after their children, lao 4 their father would be anixous trying to make sure that you dun touch his kids. Xiao new got another nicky herself, its call stupid new, she is the only hammie that got her leg struck on the water bottle twice! and the first time she nearly died if didnt found her early -.-

Well here the 6 little honey hamms! picture taken yesterday. still drinking from their mother although, they should have stopped. Now the feeding bowl cannot fit them all le haha! my mum told me that their behaviours look like their mother's so.... in such cases, a fool proof cage is needed to house them le.
Oh ya, now cannot call the guy, i intend to call choclate any more cos he's not choclate le but turnng yellow bluish like their mother.
Birthday: 14 Sep 2009
Father: lao 4 (orange pudding)
Mother: Xiao New (yellow blue pudding)
When they grow up, I going to house them with lao 5's child

Lastly, the famous rabbit in the house, xiao bai!He total make me want to pull his ears le! that time during the hari raya, he did not eat as usual causing me to feak out and was telling xt that want to take him to the vet. the next day he eat as normal given his favourite cabbage.
then my mum told me he was throwing trantrum. See la got this kind of owner (my bro) then got this kind of rabbit -.-

Current location: Auckland

Auckland is a place in New Zealand on the northern part of the island.

Why I came here?
Is it an illusion or a passion? This was the question that made my decision to come to Auckland to learn photography.

So how's life here?

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Hui Zhen


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designed by lil.queens